sâmbătă, 29 mai 2010

Less is more

Iata tendintele minimaliste de look ale produselor. N-am gasit nici un brand de BERE cu un astfel de look. Is Beer that complicated ?

vineri, 28 mai 2010

Gandurile lui Pascal

''Those who judge of a work by rule are in regard to others as
those who have a watch are in regard to others. One says, "It is two
hours ago"; the other says, "It is only three-quarters of an hour."
I look at my watch, and say to the one, "You are weary," and to the
other, "Time gallops with you"; for it is only an hour and a half ago,
and I laugh at those who tell me that time goes slowly with me and
that I judge by imagination. They do not know that I judge by my
watch. ''

"The greater intellect one has, the more originality one finds
in men. Ordinary persons find no difference between men. "

"When we wish to correct with advantage and to show another that
he errs, we must notice from what side he views the matter, for on
that side it is usually true, and admit that truth to him, but
reveal to him the side on which it is false. He is satisfied with
that, for he sees that he was not mistaken and that he only failed
to see all sides. Now, no one is offended at not seeing everything;
but one does not like to be mistaken, and that perhaps arises from the
fact that man naturally cannot see everything, and that naturally he
cannot err in the side he looks at, since the perceptions of our
senses are always true."

Order.- Why should I undertake to divide my virtues into
four rather than into six? Why should I rather establish virtue in
four, in two, in one? Why into Abstine et sustine* rather than into
"Follow Nature," or, "Conduct your private affairs without injustice,"
as Plato, or anything else? But there, you will say, everything is
contained in one word. Yes, but it is useless without explanation, and
when we come to explain it, as soon as we unfold this maxim which
contains all the rest, they emerge in that first confusion which you
desired to avoid. So, when they are all included in one, they are
hidden and useless, as in a chest, and never appear save in their
natural confusion. Nature has established them all without including
one in the other.

* "Abstain and uphold." Stoic maxim.

"Let no one say that I have said nothing new; the arrangement
of the subject is new. When we play tennis, we both play with the same
ball, but one of us places it better.
I had as soon it said that I used words employed before. And in
the same way if the same thoughts in a different arrangement do not
form a different discourse, no more do the same words in their
different arrangement form different thoughts! "

Certain authors, speaking of their works, say: "My book,"
"My commentary," "My history," etc. They resemble middle-class
people who have a house of their own and always have "My house" on
their tongue. They would do better to say: "Our book," "Our
commentary," "Our history," etc., because there is in them usually
more of other people's than their own.

miercuri, 26 mai 2010

Passion of Anna (1969) - Ingmar Bergman

Colaboratorii lui Bergman (Von Sydow, Ullmann, Bibi si Erland ) sunt pusi in situatia de a face un studiu al personajelor interpretate in cadrul filmului. Filmul , destul de static , apropiat teatrului de televiziune imi pare un manifest existentialist , retoric , introspectiv. Infatiseaza incapacitatile personajelor (oamenilor) de a trece peste traume, de a se simti intr-o deplina comuniune sociala, de a se simti utili, de a trece peste prejudecati. Atmosfera angoasanta a insulei gradeaza scindarile personajelor de a face fata singuratatii. In scena in care cele patru personaje iau cina se pare ca a fost in majoritate o improvizatie. Personajele feminine domina cadrele varsandu-si cele mai adanci ganduri. Iata cateva momente:

Eva : " I'm just a small part of his general tiredness. The world is indifferent to Elis sarcasm's but i'm not. I want to pay him back . I want more (asking for more drink). (respira adanc) I don't know what to do.... Elis is fantastic.

Andreas :' Yes he is. I like him very much.

Eva: The worst of it is that i love him. I mean love. There is no other word for it... If only i knew how i could show him my love.. What is it to become of us ? Why do we grow like this > (Il imbratiseaza pe Andreas). What is this deadly poison that corrodes the best in us leaving only the shell ? ... I'm so tired. The wine has made me sleepy . I'm drowsy too....

... apoi doarme , se trezeste..


Eva: It's so hard to realize one day that you're meaningless. That no one needs though you want to give yourself. I suppose it's my own fault but it's paralysing. I want to accomplish so much. I make a lot of plans. Then i talk to Elis and he says :' No, don't do that, do this". So it all ends in smoke. (plangand) No i mustn't blame Elis. I mustn't. Everything i touch goes wrong. And Elis, he...No, I shouldn't blame Elis. (plange, se culca cu Andreas)...

Ana : (talking about her marriage with Andreas) We lived in complete affinity. We thought the same things. We were together in everything. I know it sounds silly and exaggerated when i tell it, but it's so hard to describe how to people became part of each other. The words are so trite and don't cover the experience at all. The child was a fantastic experience for both of us. Everything to do with the child. I passed my exam and got a position as a teacher and Andreas got his assistant professorship . We bought a little house out of town and furnished it by degrees . We built something up together. I don;t know what to call it. A real security. A security. Everyone thought it was an ideal marriage with no dissension. But that was not so. We had violent quarrels. But we never infected us with cruelty and suspicion . We were always completely honest. There wasn't a pretence in our relationship. (amuzata) Andreas was unfaithful to me once. You didn't think that , did you ? Well he was. He told me about it at once. And i felt how much he loved me and i got over it. And we took greater care of each other than ever. The worst thing was once when he left me. I found out where he was and he changed his mind and came back . And we lived close together than ever before. Then we came here for the weekend with our little boy. Eva and Elis had lent us their house... I wanted to drive out to the church ruins. I got my way and we set off. Andreas had a few drinks and asked me to drive. I wasn't driving fast at all. We were in high spirits. The road was slippery and the car began to skid. Andreas tried to grab the wheel but we shot off the road into the ditch right through the stone wall and in among the trees. When i came to , i saw the wreck of the car and a man with a gash in his throat and half his body through the windshield . A little boy lay farther away. He'd been hurled on through the door. And his head was in a funny position. I remember thinking : "What a ghastly accident" . And i wondered why nobody came to help those people. I made my way up to the road and i began to feel the pain in my side and leg. I felt dragging one foot behind me. That's when i saw the blood. It was blood everywhere. And my shinbone was poking through my stocking. They found us a few hours later. I didn't think life could look like that. I didn't think life would be a daily suffering... (tot acest text intr-o singur cadru)...

luni, 24 mai 2010

IMPORT/EXPORT (2007) Ulrich Seidl

IMPORT/EXPORT e un focus rece asupra raportului social-economic EST-VEST imbibat cu alte cateva subpuncte, toate determinate de un mediu steril, minimalist. De altfel coloana sonora e inexistenta, exceptand scenele din azil unde onomatopeele repetitive ale unei batrane definesc spleenul. In EST, o ucraineanca renunta la slujba de asistenta in schimbul videochatului, pana primeste o invitatie sa plece in Austria, unde lucreaza ca putzfrau. Prejudecatile fata de imigranti e unul din subpunctele de care vorbeam. Dupa cum explica una din asistentele austriece, cum de nu a vrajit nici un barbat pana in prezent, ca doar asta cauta, asta le e sansa(imigrantelor), scaparea. In VEST, un tanar austriac isi pierde slujba de agent de paza. Ingropat in datorii si lipsit de perspective, singurul job la indemana e sa-l ajute pe tatal sau, sa transporte jocuri mecanice si 'tonomate' cu bomboane in EST (Slovacia, Ucraina). Nu se simte nici o atitudine partinitoare in ceea ce priveste EST-ul si VEST-ul ; ambele sunt o mocirla in care nu poti decat sa te tarasti. EST-ul cu femeile usoare, tigania, saracia - VESTUL - cu raporturile familiale asentimentale, oameni in etate singuri. De observat ca in ambele cazuri personajele traiesc impreuna cu parintii in opozitie cu batranii din azil , lipsiti de orice legatura familiala. In delirul ei o batrana se intreaba retoric cat mai e pana are sa-si intalnesca mama. Sunt doar niste umbre ce si-au trait viata. Asa cum exclama batrana printre onomatopeele ei, '' miroase.. a moarte''. Vidul dintre oameni se mentine si datorita lipsei unui limbaj comun, cu atat mai mult cu cat nu putem vorbi de o interactiune non-verbala, aceasta rezumandu-se la simple apropouri sexuale. Singura farama de viata vine dinspre Pauli care afirma, opunandu-se apropourilor libidinoase ale tatalui sau ca el traieste dupa anumite valori, el vrea armonie. Pana la final stim doar ca el a pornit in directia aceea.

Gegen die Wand (2004) Fatih Akin

Gegen die Wand (2004) a lui Fatih Akin modeleaza conceptul iubirii subliniind capacitatea ei de a regenera vieti, de a sustine energetic Vointa. In EL (Cahit) acest flux energetic survine sublim, din interior, e contrastat si de replica lui Maren(his fuckbuddy): "Du gehts gut ?!"... " Du fickts besser ". Pentru EA (Sibel), orice urma de afectiune ramane nematerializata datorita caracterului introvert al LUI (Cahit). Odata lasata garda jos.... As spune ca sunt adeptul teoriei : doi oameni pusi in acelasi spatiu sunt capabili sa creeze o sinergie, o simbioza. Asta se intampla si in Gegen die Wand . Casatoria lor, aranjata de dragul ei , ca sa scape de sub jugul traditionalist al familiei(turce), ii fixeaza in acelasi plan. Dar viata , cu schimbarile ei constante, te ia cand ti-e lumea mai draga. Ceea ce traise EL inainte sa o intalneasca se extrapoleaza in viata EI. EL , deja cu experienta vietii, isi pastreaza echilibrul, e capabil sa treaca peste anii de puscarie, datorita EI. Intalnirea din final e un foc de paie prea slab sa mute muntii ce pareau de hartie alta data.

Filmul e fragmentat de 5 interludii muzicale ce au in prim-plan o trupa de muzica traditionala turceasca iar pe fundal Istanbulul si Sf.Sofia. Marvelous.

Cateva poze ce fixeaza povestea.

- Te casatoresti cu mine sau nu ?!

Vreau sa o fut pe nevasta-ta turcoaica, greceste... daca zici de astea esti mort.

vineri, 21 mai 2010


In cladirea in care lucrez sunt doua firme. Eu sunt in cea de la etaj. Cealalta firma tocmai si-a angajat o noua persoana, o fata (are 21 de ani dar daca ti-as zice ca are 25-27 nu te-ai indoi ). In prima ei saptamana la birou fusesem plecat in Anglia. Nu stiusem ca persoana dinainte fusese in preaviz. Ceea ce mi se pare amuzant e ca scarile spre etaj sunt pe directia biroului ei , astfel incat, de fiecare data cand cobor, privirile ni se intersecteaza. Si uneori , urc si cobor de 10-15 ori. Pentru 1 secunda ne privim apoi fiecare isi vede de treaba. Mi-e lesne sa ma inteleg de ce o privesc, fiindca mi se pare acceptabila ca prezenta feminina si de ce nu, atragatoare. Dimineata cand sosesc la birou ne salutam , ne zambim, ne privim mai mult, uneori chiar starui cu o privire gen : '' How you doin ? ''. Bucataria e la cativa pasi de biroul ei. In apropierea ei , sunt foarte atent la fiecare miscare a mea, de parca m-as privi prin ochii observatorului, fiecare gest mi-l privesc din afara. Tot ce fac are o tensiune si o atentie aparte. Fac asta de cele mai multe ori cand impart spatiul cu o persoana noua(femeie sau barbat). Ea e prin preajma de vreo doua saptamani dar nu am avut ocazia sa ne prezentam oficial. Nu stiu daca are habar cum ma numesc, macar sa ma stie din auzite, desi cred ca are tinand cont ca putem numara pe degete numarul de persoana din cladire. Chiar s-a intamplat ca privirile intersectate sa fie insotite de un zambet. E zambetul acela de recunoastere. " Hai, nu mai are rost sa ne ascundem''. Zilele trecute, intr-o dupa-masa , am avut primul contact verbal .Observand-o ca citea o carte, am intrebat relaxat ce anume citeste. Raspunsul ei , evident, a fost , o carte. M-as fi asteptat la un raspuns care ar fi oferit densitate conversatiei, asa ca intre doi cititori inraiti. Apoi dandu-mi seama ca probabil avem si probleme din cauza limbii am incercat sa imi fac intelese cerintele. Citea o carte in greaca; nu reusisem sa-i citesc titlul , motiv pentru care ma si adresasem. Era ceva roman pulp. Se numea Elena, curva ... sau ceva de genu, Elena, porni(in greaca), habar n-am de autor. N-am mai continuat , am cam bruscat comunicarea printr-un aha, hmmm, si mi-am vazut de drum. Schimbasem pareri si cu David legat de ea. Despre cum o percepem. Eu I-am zis cum o cheama. Petroula. Cum David are obiceiul sa caute lumea noua pe Facebook, am dat un search dar fara rezultat. Pana buna noastra colega s-a imprietenit virtual cu ea. Nu mare ne-a fost mirarea , sa aflam ca e casatorita, ca era nascuta in '89. Ne-a mirat mai mult varsta decat faptul ca e casatorita, cunoscand obiceiul cipriotilor de a se casatori inca destul de devreme. Dar parca cautatul in priviri si-a pierdut din fond odata cu aflarea starii civile. Coborand mai devreme , sa-mi fac un ceai, observasem ca ramasesem doar noi doi in toata cladirea. Pentru o secunda, am simtit izul unui gand erotic, dar l-am alungat numaidecat. Isi impregnase cateva jeturi de parfum pe incheieturi. Dupa un sfert de minut , incepeam sa-l adulmec. Ma gandeam la ea ca femeie si la incapacitatea mea de-a descrie femeia , natura ei, fara sa simt ca as avea un calus in gura sau o proteza de cauciuc de care musca condamnatii la moarte. Si o vedeam asa: tanara, casatorita, cu un job fara perspective(uitasem sa adaug ca o intrebasem si cum se simte, daca ii place, raspunsul ei fiind : ''da, foarte mult'') si nu va grabiti sa ma judecati , n-am enuntat nimic din afara obviousului dar asta m-a dus mai departe si sa zic ca femeia nu are simt metafizic. Si-asta m-a eliberat. BOOM.

joi, 20 mai 2010


M-am amuzat zilele astea vazand doua lucruri ce nu-si aveau locul in peisajul mediteranean : o Dacie pick-up si un prun. Pregatesc rudimentar un proiect foto/video experimental. Momentan am mentalitatea unui detinut eliberat. Nu reusesc sa depasesc anumite bariere psihologice. Nu locuim intr-o lume fara vina (blameless world) . Pororoca . 3 scarbe m-au lovit in ultimele 3 zile odata intrat in lumea virtuala.

duminică, 16 mai 2010


In Manchester soferul de taxi ne povestise la un moment dat despre iesirile in gay bars. Cu ajutorul unei prietene reusise sa intre intr-unul care era lesbo-exclusiv. Amuzat zisese ca nu se simtise ciudat. All those women and you can't fuck neither because they are not interested. In schimb in celelalte (cu barbati) you don't want to fuck but everybody wants to fuck you ; more or less. La training mai erau doi nemti si un israelian. Abia a doua zi mi-am dat seama de conexiunea evreu- neamt. La un moment dat ma intreaba unul din neamt ce religie e Iehuda. Le zic, e eveu , iudaic , mozaic. La care au revelatia. Ahh : Juden ! Am inceput sa radem.
Cat despre mine, imi lipseste spiritul sacrificiului. Faptul ca reusesc sa-mi gasesc nimicuri de facut doar ca, sa folosesc expresia, sa omor timpul traseaza vectori pe o directie nihilista. Iar eu , unul, nus nihilist. Un citat mi-a intrat in cap , si-are sa ramana: " Nu putem sa corectam greselile , doar consecintele lor". O calatorie in timp este irealizabila, obiectiv. Subiectiv ar fi , zic , o hiperaccelerare a experientelor, a perceptiilor. Dar fara un plan nu exista miscare. Iar calatoria inseamna miscare, cinetica. In mai putin de o septime de secunda as face ocolul pamantului la Ecuator cu viteza luminii . Ma gandesc cat mi-ar lua sa fiu omniprezent in orice punct al Romaniei . Mai putin de o secunda. Nu cred ca am fi capabili sa percepem o calatorie in timp asa cum de multe ori abia percepem reflexele. Noi nu suntem conceputi pentru astfel de viteze. Nu cred ca am percepe. Am fi ca in fata unui ecran alb.